The London Canoe Club is a volunteer-run organization operating out of London, Ontario, Canada focused on recreational paddling. The club maintains a fleet of canoes and kayaks which can be borrowed by members during operating hours and used in the Sharon Creek Conservation Area reservoir.
There is no time limit on paddling during operating hours, and boats can be borrowed on a first-come-first-served basis. Each member can borrow one boat at a time, but you can switch your boat out at any time (subject to availability). For example, you can borrow a kayak and paddle for a while, then return it and borrow a canoe. We just ask that you return no later than 15 minutes before closing to ensure there’s enough time for you to wipe down your boat and return it to its storage spot.
Please note that we are unable to process membership applications on site! If you’re hoping to borrow a canoe or kayak, make sure you wait for the email that your membership cards are ready for pickup before coming out.
Questions? Contact us at
We have a variety of boats available to borrow including:
- 8 canoes
- 10 sit-in kayaks
- 1 adult sit-on-top kayak
- 3 youth sit-on-top kayaks.
We also provide safety kits (bailer, rope, whistle), paddles, and PFDs/lifejackets, or you are welcome to bring your own.
Please note that PFDs/lifejackets must be worn while paddling Canoe Club boats.